The manufacturer markets its range of Logicom Mappy S-ential grouping 4 references: the itiS436 Mappy Mappy ultiS536, and Mappy Mappy ultiS439 ultiS539.
Logicom is launching its new range of S-ential Mappy, the fruit of its exclusive partnership with Mappy, you'll understand. The four models are found within this range: the itiS436 Mappy is the most accessible, followed by Mappy ultiS536, Mapply ultiS439 ultiS539 and Mappy. References to éfèrent S43X simply a screen 4.3 "while the S53X with screens are more comfortable than 5". Finally, 4.3 "or 5", these four models could quickly become indispensable.
Their Bluetooth GPS turns your phone into a real power to make calls hands-free without risking his license. These models receive free updates and lifetime mapping in 14 European countries, including France of course. So they will follow you in the largest cities of the continent, where you should take advantage of integrated Backpacker guides to visit the monuments and find the best restaurants and hotels. The S-ential Mappy even replace the subway maps and other transit if necessary.
Regarding the GPS, a guiding function attended display panels and taxiways when changing direction while the function of speech Text to speech for street names will restore order to avoid to stay glued to his GPS. Finally, Mappy ultiS439 ultiS539 and benefit from real-time traffic information via the TMC function provided by V-Trafic.
The S-ential Mappy are now available from all dealers, automotive centers and supermarkets. € 99.90 for the count itiS436 Mappy, € 119.90 for Mappy ultiS536 and ultiS439 while Mappy ultiS539 costs € 139.90.