On 18 June, the operator Bouygues Telecom will offer new offers for users of touch pads or with 3G dongles to a computer. The operator will offer broadband Internet with no obligation or card rates lowered.
This new range of offerings for tablets and 3G dongles comes in three distinct categories. Note that all uses permitted with these offers, for example, VoIP and peer-to-peer ...

occasional use
For those who use very occasionally their tablet computer or on the move, the operator offers a prepaid Internet. You must purchase a SIM card or a 3G dongle with respectively 2 days and 4 days of the Internet to 3.6 Mbit / s offered. Several refills are available.
occasional use
For more regular users, Bouygues Telecom offers a full commitment without which includes the Internet up to 42 Mbit / s to a maximum of 500 MB, will be found reduced flow beyond. The offer also includes access to WiFi hotspots with unlimited operator. This offer is available at 9.90 euros per month.
intensive use
If you are a heavy user of the Internet on the move, the operator Bouygues Telecom offers a range that includes the Internet also up to 42 Mbit / s in the limit of 5GB per month. No break but only a reduced flow rate beyond this limit quite high. The offer also includes unlimited access to the hotspot operator. Note that this latest offering is marketed 19.90 euros per month with a 24-month and 24.90 euros without obligation.