Free Mobile has just been awarded the first prize of Customer Relationship Podium 2012 for Mobile Communication by BearingPoint and TNS Sofres.
While Bouygues Telecom is No. 1 in customer relations for fixed telephony this year, it's just dethrone Free Mobile Operator blue in the field of mobile telephony. Indeed, TNS Sofres and BearingPoints recently awarded the first prize of Podium Customer Relationship 2012 Free Mobile. To present this award, both groups are based on a survey of a panel of 4000 when customers asked to vote on 14 criteria deemed most important customer relationship. It includes in particular the overall quality of service, but also the quality of responses and the relevance of the suggested options in relation to customer needs.

If the winner for this award welcomes:
"Since its inception, the customer relationship is at the heart of the priorities of the Iliad which has chosen to develop the latter mainly through in-house call centers located mainly in France. At the launch of its mobile offering, the Group opened two new call centers in Ile-de-France. In 12 months, he created 1,000 jobs in those call centers and thus contributed to the revitalization of the sector employment. "
It is not clear that customers do the same due to repeated problems on the network earlier this year. A chance that the investigation began after these problems, on March 30, as the new mobile operator and managed the feat of dethroning Bouygues Telecom, No. 1 for several years, after only five months old.