This may seem odd, but the firm HTC plans to produce more high-end range while the low-end market is doing quite well. The brand does no longer offer entry-level in emerging markets. Indeed, Peter Chou, CEO of HTC, said the Wall Street Journal that the Taiwanese group wants to maintain its brand image "quietly brilliant". The company will emphasize the use of his best material to make better products offering a higher quality experience.
Such a strategy could cause harm as Apple and Samsung are tough for other manufacturers. Note in addition qu'HTC knows a slowdown in growth, so why not look on the side of the entry level? To date, the Taiwanese smartphone sells low-end 125 to € 250 in China, but he did not win in volume but in notoriety thanks to its quality products, the element that has given up his success today. By cons, with the arrival of manufacturers such as Huawei and ZTE, the insertion of its fine products might be difficult. Moreover, it adds that India would also be a market to conquer. To regain visibility, an investment in emerging markets is required. The question is whether the project will proceed as planned.