Loan of pride, Google yesterday presented its first home touch pad (see our presentation of the Google Nexus 7), a compact tablet with technical features attractive, 7-inch HD screen and quad-core processor Nvidia Tegra 3 1.3 GHz head. While rumors refer to two versions of this product at very affordable prices, only the 8GB version was referred to by Google, with a single price to the key: $ 199 for the product, which should certainly go to € 199 in our countries when it was released.
Google Nexus 7
And 16 GB for the tablet? According to indiscretions surrounding the conference, it will be confined only to Asus, who in turn will sell for a whopping $ 249. Asus relying on resellers classic, this version has the advantage of allowing customers to manipulate the object before investing. Let us recall that the Google Nexus 7, working only in WiFi, has no reason to be sold by the operators, and will be ordered directly from the Google Play. For now, it is only found in pre-orders in the U.S., UK, Australia and Canada.