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Thursday, November 1, 2012
Bouygues Telecom sends an invoice for 11,721 euros!
A client Bouygues Telecom has canceled his subscription with the operator waited for bill pay its costs. She probably did not expect to pay a lot to pay its debts, because the invoice showed nearly $ 12 million!
A client Bouygues Telecom who wanted to terminate their subscription agreement to reduce its costs, saw its termination charges in trouble after receiving a bill in the amount of exactly 11,721 million. Or was it the subscription commitment for life, there was a point error, the second option is more likely!
Faced with this astronomical amount, a young woman tried to get an explanation from the operator to call customer service. A counselor replied that he could do nothing to help, if not stagger their rules, and you should respect their invoice. Then, she also received the payment. Bank tax to start, she had to immediately opposition. A few days later, Bouygues Telecom has admitted its error, recognizing that the point was really moved. It seems that the client advisor did not understand the complaints of the young woman, as seen on the screen to display the actual amount of 117,21 €. Bouygues apparently presented his apology to his client, in which the motivation to change the operator, however, is not reduced!