Typically, manufacturers will give heart to joy when he comes to us hanging around waiting for formal presentations of their new products. Just go back a few weeks back and remember the state in which the announcement of the presentation of the Galaxy S III we had plunged. But today is a very different strategy adopted by Sony for its upcoming smartphone, placing the date of issue in the hands of his fans via his Facebook page.

Thus we learn the arrival of a new terminal Xperia, whose announcement is now scheduled in less than a week. If the countdown was launched yesterday displaying more than 10 days on the clock, it has already fallen to just over six days this morning, and it's up to you to bring it down even faster. To do this, nothing simpler: go to the Sony Mobile Facebook page, and click the "fast forward". As for the terminal in question, no information has yet filtered. I must admit that Sony has not shown specifically stingy with mobile ads lately with its Xperia Go (read: Sony Xperia Go: smartphone adventurer), Xperia Acro S (read: Sony Xperia acro S) or other Xperia neo the (read our article on the Xperia neo L) ... What to expect here? An official release date for one of these terminals or a brand new smartphone?
We will certainly keep you informed as soon as we know more, but it may well depend on you!